A public service provided by The West Virginia State Bar.

How it Works

  • Deter­mine what prac­tice area you need an attor­ney for by searching through our practice areas.

  • Search for an attorney with the desired practice area near you.

  • Con­tact the attor­ney and men­tion that you found them through the WV State Bar Lawyer Refer­ral Ser­vice. The attor­ney may agree to see you as a client for an ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion for a fee of no more than $25 for the first 30 min­utes of the consultation.

Tips for Working With Your Lawyer

  • Before hiring an attorney, make sure you fully understand what they are going to do for you and why you need their support.
  • Keep your lawyer informed of materials received and changes in your situation on a consistent schedule.
  • Respond promptly to your attorney’s requests.
  • Take notes when speaking to your attorney.
  • Discuss how certain decisions will affect your future.

Get a 30-minute consultation from a local, qualified lawyer for $25 or less.

Request a lawyer online

Or call and speak with a volunteer lawyer.


6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.